Please click on the company logos below to access the appropriate website.
NB Vie Medic Services Ltd has no control over the content of these websites and can not be held responsible should it cause distress or upset.
What do you get?
- Marketing support to maximise entries.
- A system that is easy to use for organisers and runners.
- The ability to email all participants from your own email address.
- An easy way to find, amend or add an entrant, in the event of a requested transfer or paper entry.
- Access to a ‘live’ statement which shows how much money the event has made at any given time.
- Safe and secure payments through Sage Pay.
- Simple pricing: 50p + 5% of the entrant's payment, no hidden extras.
Who are RaceBest?
RaceBest was established in 2013 to give runners and organisers more for less. They have created a contemporary and secure online entry portal that delivers a big race presence at a small race price.
The whole team runs. They all coach. They all have experience of organising their own races. So, when you bring your race entry, the team understands what you need and can offer practical help and support.
Why have we partnered with RaceBest?
We have provided medical teams to a lot of the events RaceBest are involved in. We have worked together and done it well. The values we work towards, and our visions for the events are very similar, so to agree the partner status was the next step.
Finding Solutions
Supporting on well-being initiatives, leisure site development & integration and community sport development.
We build plans, strategies, operations, management & marketing.
We've worked on some surprising projects, we're great at finding solutions.
Connecting to the Community
Looking after and engaging the communities we touch through our events.
Through our work with colleges, well-being teams, community groups, clubs and plenty more. We want to use our events to help inspire and engage wherever we go. We love connecting businesses to their local community as part of our events.
Support Charitable Causes
Annually over 10% of our revenue goes to charitable causes, plus thousands more raised in sponsorship indirect donations!
We create "true" partnerships with the charities we work with and often get involved in lots of other activities to promote the work they do or educate our runners.
Build Your Brand
We think we're the largest non-sponsored event organiser. Show what you value and share your culture. Our events attract thousands of people each year and allows your team to be alongside your customers & community doing something they love.
The Revolution Martial Arts Network is a non polictical group of Martial Arts instructors dedicated to raising the standards of the Martial Arts in the UK. Revolution runs tournaments all over the UK in a variety of disciplines. We pride ourselves on being friendly, professional, fair & well organised.
FightTime Online is your one-stop shop for all Kickboxing events, tournaments, seminars and courses. With a packed calendar, unique map search function and the ability to register or buy tickets quickly and easily "in system" (through PayPal), FightTime has everything you need! We also have club listings and fighter profiles, as well as the Professional Referees Association register of officials.